Behaviour reward system

  • Points are collected through the Class Dojo app from Y1-Y6.
  • If a child receives a ‘yellow card’ or a ‘red card’ a sanction must be given – this can be decided by the class teacher and agreed within the year group team so it is age appropriate.

What are the children collecting the points for?

Rewards will be given out at the end of every term. All dojo points will be reset at the start of every term.

Bronze – 35 – Certificate to be presented

Silver – 50 – Badge to be awarded

Gold – 75 – Drink & cakes with the senior leadership team

Behaviour Statement Of Practice

Stage Sanction Typical but not exhaustive behaviours warranting such a sanction
Stage 1 Verbal warning, change of seating. Low level unwanted single event behaviour eg, not listening, dropping litter, poor manners etc.
A second verbal warning can also be given if needed before stage 2.
Stage 2

Yellow card on Class Dojo

Time out within the classroom or time out with a lunchtime supervisor. Continued low level unwanted behaviours. Refusal to follow reasonable instructions.

Dojo App will inform parents a dojo has been removed.

Incidents, actions and sanctions are all recorded on CPOMS.
Stage 3

Red card on Class Dojo

Time out within another classroom / sit down at a table outside to calm down for 5 minutes during lunchtime. Rudeness. Lack of respect shown. Use of inappropriate language. Lack of effort towards class tasks. Unwanted persistent low level behaviour or a single more serious event. Refusal to follow reasonable instructions.

Dojo App will inform parents 2 dojo’s have been removed.

Stage 4 Withdrawal from breaktime or lunchtime from peers / time in the Lunchtime Lounge/Cosy Club to calm down for 10 minutes. Continued behaviours as above.

Single more serious event.

Parents / Carers informed by class teacher.

Stage 5 Send to DHT or AHT and/or possible withdrawal of privileges. Continuing behaviours as above.

Fighting. Repeated events of unwanted behaviour.

Parents / Carers informed by class teacher.

Stage 6 Send to EHT and/or possible withdrawal of privileges.

* This stage could lead to the stages below following the outcomes of meetings and reviews of evidence.

Bullying. Cyber bullying in school. Serious single event.

Persistent low level behaviours. Damage to school property. Stealing.

Internal exclusion Serious single event.

Continuing persistent behaviours over a period of time.

Fixed term exclusion

 * FTE could lead to a permanent exclusion following reviews of evidence and advice taken.

Persistent disruptive behaviour. Serious single evet usually where the physical or emotional safety of other children or staff is a concern. Evidence of bullying. Evidence of in school cyberbullying. Evidence of behaviours of a homophobic or racist nature.
Permanent exclusion In response to a serious breach or persistent breaches of the school’s behaviour statement of practice and where allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school.
