Welcome to our Early Years
Our Early Years classroom is bright and spacious, making it an ideal environment to learn through purposeful play. The children are supported to take part in a wide range of learning experiences followed from the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. The class teachers are Miss Addlesee and Mrs Thacker, with support of Mrs Desmond and Mrs Richardson who are also the nursery key workers.
Our children love to learn and our adults provide an inspiring environment where all children learn through play both indoors and outdoors. We aim high for academic success and model excellent behaviour to encourage the children to be the best they can be.
Our Curriculum
Our curriculum is taught through carefully chosen stories that enhance the learning opportunities, engaging the children in a range of fiction and non-fiction books. At The West Grantham Church of England Primary Academy we strive to promote a love of reading from an early age.
A typical day in the Early Years classroom will involve a range of activities to teach all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
- The children arrive at school and begin their day with a ‘Funky Fingers’ activity to develop their fine motor skills. This will strengthen the muscles in their arms and hands allowing them to use a pencil effectively when ready.
- Children in the Nursery follow the Phase 1 phonics program that focuses on the Prime Areas of Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. By ensuring the children have a secure knowledge of phase 1 phonics it provides them with the best foundation for their future phonics learning.
- The children in Reception are taught phonics and reading using Read Write Inc Phonics Program.
- The children have access to the indoor and outdoor provision to explore, learn and develop. Adults carefully plan activities to keep the children engaged and enthused and support the children to take the next steps in their learning.
- Children in Reception follow the White Rose scheme of work, practical activities are placed within the environment to provide opportunities for children to complete independently.
- Whole class lessons are based on our topic, they begin with a whole class activity before the children work in smaller groups in an adult led activity to embed the new learning.
- We love to sing throughout the day, learning new nursery rhymes and singing the children’s favourite songs and rhymes. Our dedicated nursery rhyme area in our EYFS classroom also allow the children to enjoy singing with their friends and adults at any time of the day.
- Story time is an important part of our routines, we have at least two story times each day, once again promoting our love of reading to the children. We have fiction and non-fiction books around the environment for the children to access to support their learning. In our EYFS classroom you will find a warm and inviting book area where many children choose to share a story with a friend.
Food and Drink
In our EYFS unit we have a rolling snack table where fruit and a carton of milk is available for each child. We teach the children the importance of washing their hands so they can independently use the snack table as they wish during the day. It is a lovely social time where the children enjoy their snack and talk with their friends.
Lunch is provided for all children in Reception. Each day they have a selection of hot and cold food to choose from, catering for all dietary requirements.
Trips and Visitors
Going on trips outside of school is a fantastic learning experience and one that the children really look forward to. We plan trips and visitors to further support our curriculum and deepen the children’s learning. Some of the visits that we like to take the children to are the Christmas Tree Festival at St Wulfram’s Church, Belton House and Little Jack’s Farm.
Class Dojo
We use Class Dojo to record photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, this builds up a record of each child’s experiences during their time with us.
This is an application of which you can access using a smartphone, therefore you are able to see what your child has been doing and can add comments to the observations as well as sharing your own observations of what your child has been learning at home.
We regularly communicate with our parents in person but also on Class Dojo, sharing what the children are learning, key messages and upcoming events, as well as how to support your child at home.
Whole school messages, including our weekly newsletters are done so through class dojo.
Children with special education needs and disabilities
Children with special educational needs and disabilities are fully supported within our setting by providing them with the targeted care they need. Lessons are planned and delivered to meet all children’s needs and adults are effectively deployed to ensure that all children in the setting are supported during their play to allow them to progress in their learning.
The Early Years team are in constant communication with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator to ensure that each child has access to quality first teaching and has a targeted approach to their learning.
Opening times
The Nursery session is 8:45-11:45am.
We offer 30 hours for those entitled to the funding. The times for the children with 30 hours are 9am-3pm and they are to bring their own packed lunch.
The school day for Reception children is 8.40am – 3.00pm.
We welcome any prospective parents to come and have a tour of the Early Years environment with our Early Years Lead, who will be more than happy to answer any further questions that you may have.