Welcome to Year 6
Meet the team…
Teachers: Mr Stiff and Mrs Storey.
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Lindley, Mr Deighton and Mrs Walledge.
Another exciting year awaits us in this, our final chapter of Primary School. As a team, we will work together to embrace the opportunities, rewarding experiences and challenges Year 6 will bring.
As Year 6 pupils, children will be expected to work hard, but in return, they will be rewarded with happy memories, lasting friendships and an increased confidence to take them on to their next adventure.
Through carefully planned support and the promotion of independent learning, we will give each child the best opportunity to succeed and reach their full potential. This will also equip them for their important transition to Secondary School.
Our aim, is that by the end of Year 6, every pupil will have developed a lifelong passion and curiosity for learning.
Alongside this, there will be plenty of opportunities to fulfil the following key roles and responsibilities: School Councillor, Collective Worship Councillor, Prefect, Class Ambassador and Playground Leaders.
Our School Councillors are:
- To be confirmed.
Our Collective Worship Councillors are:
- To be confirmed.
Our Year 6 Prefects are:
- To be confirmed.
How to support your child:
- Arrival on time and good attendance is crucial for children to achieve the age related expectations set by the Government.
- Listen to them read and talk about their book every day for 10 to 15 minutes
- Help them to learn their spellings and times tables ready for their weekly tests on Fridays
- Homework to be completed and be handed in on Wednesday. New spellings and homework will be given out on Fridays.
- Make sure they are suitably equipped for the school day (their reading book, PE Kit and Swimming Kit when appropriate) and are wearing the correct uniform (including footwear).
- Year 6 PE days are Tuesday and Friday
Helpful Websites
Curriculum Overview
Year 6 | Term 1
What makes the Mayans amazing? Studying Ancient Mayans |
Term 2
Is someone always watching? Light and Shadows History of Spies |
Term 3
Has the world gone bananas? Impact of Climate change |
Term 4
Is a desert always hot? Study of Arica and deserts |
Term 5 and 6
Did Henry VIII change my life?